Thursday, September 9, 2010

New crime stats - woo hoo!

Big excitement today when the cops released the latest crime statistics and anounced that murder is down.
Police chief General Bheki Cele reckons that they have succeeded in turning the tide against crime and that the fact that most contact crimes - the violent ones that we are all so scared of - are down, is proof of this.
And then he announced that the cops have come across a new kind of crime.
So how is this for genius? Apparently some people buy super duper luxury cars and then insure them five times over. Then, sometime before the five instalments a month drags them into bankruptcy, the car goes missing.
Then they make five insurance claims for, say, R300 000 a whack, and walk away with R1.2-million.
How do people think up stuff like this?

1 comment:

  1. In all honesty, I don't entirely trust the crime stats as presented by the powers that be.

